Clever H
Winter 2020 - Miasms – Influence, character and case resolution

How the Miasms evolve in Human being- A systematic overlook


How the Miasms evolve in Human being- A systematic overlook


Miasm is something like a puzzle for various budding homeopaths. Its not difficult to read but yes a little difficult to understand.


When we talk about cure; we need to address the underlined reason.


As mentioned by Dr. Hahnemann in Organon as well in The Chronic Disease book, the diseases flair up when they have the suitable unhealthy soil! Miasm is that soil.


How to decode this theory? Is there any easy way of application of miasms in clinical practice?

We know the journey towards destination of success ultimately begins from the ‘INNER’ of the person.



What is this Inner?

This is what we inherited from our ancestors as well acquired from the surroundings situation. It means we represent the combination of our genetics and the influences acquired throughout our lives.


In the era of Hahnemann, he didn’t know the modern pathological words like microbes and viruses; but we must admire his excellence in explaining the origin of pathology behind disorders.


I won’t talk about the theoretical part of Miasm; we all know that.


I would like to throw the light about the modern concept of miasms. Lifestyle today is quite different from the Hahnemann’s era. We must consider the advanced concept of the origin of diseses as per the modern studies and terminology. It will simplify the practical application of miasms in today’s clinical practice.


Every homeopath has his own understanding for miasm but the truth of the matter is, how successful they are in practice by using this concept.


I experienced failure in various cases in the beginning years of my practice, as I never understood miasms; I read about this topic almost daily, but could never apply it to patients.

To understand its practical utility, we need to consider its evolution in respect to the structural and functional responses of the human body to it’s surroundings.



Let me explain to you how the miasms evolve.


Dr. Hahnemann had discovered that almost all the chronic diseases, which will not yield to the usual homeopathic remedies, had some connection to a  “previous outbreak of itch”.

Itch as a skin disease which was caused by an insect called “mite”. When this was treated locally, to make it disappear, graver diseases followed like pneumonia, bronchitis, dropsy, epilepsy, hysteria etc.

Exogenous foreign proteins may come from bacterial/viral/fungal/parasitic infections that invade the body; bites and stings of insects and serpents, drugs like antibiotics, vaccines, and so on, enter into the organism from the environment, as infections. Foreign proteins are called antigens. The body prepares immune bodies or antibodies against these by considering them as dangerous to save the immunity.

These antibodies, or ‘molecular imprinted proteins’ are a very important part of our defence system, playing a vital role in protecting us against infections.

At the same time, these ‘molecular imprinted proteins’ or antibodies, play a negative role too, which is what we call ‘miasms.’

Sometimes antibodies get connected with a body’s own biological molecule. This is a ‘molecular error’ amounting to a state of pathology. These pathological conditions caused by ‘off-target’ binding of antibodies or ‘molecular imprinted proteins’ are the real ‘miasms’ Hahnemann described as the underlying factors of ‘chronic diseases’.

When above mentioned toxic substance attacks the body, our cells show primary response in the form of inflammation. This is the manifestation of psora. All acute inflammations or any disorders in the cells, as defensive mechanism due to its fight for survival, are basically psoric. Any nutritional deficiency or unfulfilment of biological needs, creates a psoric diseases.

The psoric picture of the person, when biological needs are unfulfilled, can be anger, irritation, anxiety, apprehension and oversensitivity.



These people complaint a lot.

They are too sensitive to rudeness, reprimands, reproaches, sad stories, family affairs, health, pain, touch, noise, light, sound, odors and much more.

They are impatience, hypochondric and cranky people.

They desire support, respect and affection.

When their needs are not satisfied they feel insecure.

As a response, their tendency to collect or accumulate increases.

Now the cell changes into a mode of defense. The genetic level gets involved. This is the beginning of Sycosis.



Sycosis is a secondary response where cell undergoes the generation or reproduction by process of mitosis. This has two ways of manifestation, hyper and hypo. When sycosis shows,  multiplication, tumors, growths, corns, polyps, fibroids, stenosis, thickening, indurations, arteriosclerosis are the outcome.

The tendency of accumulation gives us swelling, edema, ascites, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesteremic, Uric Acid diathesis etc.

The hypo manifestation shows less secretion of elastin and fibrin in body leading to muscular relaxation, paralysis, prolapsus, hernias, constipation, varicose veins, and organomegaly etc. Hyper secretion of elastin may lead to constriction of muscles and stenosis.

The sycotic person shows lot of fears, manipulation, tendency to collect money, land and high materialism.

Their inner greedy behavior makes them brag and boast.


The mental symptoms when a person has sycosis eecess-


*Loquacious, expansive and communicative, extrovert people.




*Hungry for knowledge, creativity, discoveries, inventions, imaginations.

*Excess sexual desire, lascivious.

*Contradiction intolerant of, extravagant love, charitable with expectations.



Mental symptoms when a person has sycosis deficiency-


*Adaption absent

*Talk indisposed to




*People desiring solitude, love privacy.

*silent grief, weeping when alone, brooding

*Unable to express emotions



The third defense of the body is through destruction. Here you are meeting with syphilis.

As mentioned in aph.74 of the Organon, syphilis manifest through gangrene, ulceration and degeneration.

Syphilis attacks on immunity can give birth to auto immune disorders like Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Aids, heart failure, interstitial fibrosis, emphysema, cancers, motor neurone disease, ot parkinsons to give a few examples of syphilitic diseases.



The mental sphere of Syphilis-


*Over sensitivity


*Delusions & Hallucinations

*Unrealistic & Unnatural

*Grotesque behavior

*Fancies or fantasies

*Panic attacks, anger going to rage and violence

*Loss of control

*Extremely sharp intellect

*Lack of Morals

*Speed – extremely fast or very slow.


This is all about the defensive response of human being to the surrounding and to its inner-self. Miasms doesn’t come from outside; this taint is present in our own body but they get triggered and become dominant in favourable conditions. Every person has all miasms but which is more dominant is considered his miasmatic type. Truly speaking miasms are the phases or outcomes of the fight between disease producing factors and the body’s defensive mechanism.

Understanding of miasmatic evolution gives an insight into the prevention of various diseases, as well as their cure at root.



About the Author:

Dr.Kavita R.Chandak
MD [HOM] PHD( France)
-Golden book of world record holder
-Life member of LMHI
– Advisory board member at Turkiyeklinikleri journal, Istanbul
– Executive board member at Afghan Homeo Association.
– Stood Ist Merit throughout Maharashtra in 1998.
-Prof.Repertory ,P.D.Jain HMC Parbhani.
– International speaker and Trainer.
Delivers seminars and webinars overseas like at London, America, UAE, various
countries in Europe, South Africa, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Greece, NewZeland
Has won the “Best Thesis” ‘and First Rank’ in PG HOM London.
Her book HEALTH Vs DISEASE released in America ,available at Amazon
An expert Homeopath and a mentor,running 2 clinics at Nagpur and a web
clinic since two decades.
Speciality area- Autism,Infertility,Cancer, Allergic Disorders and Kidney
Director of Padmaja Welfare Foundation NGO working for Health Awareness
in society.
Recipient of prestigious awards for her Medico Social contribution towards
Published many articles in very reputed News Papers and different magazines.
Documentry made on her by Nagpur Doordarshan(TV)in 2010.
youtube- Dr. Kavita chandak


One thought on “How the Miasms evolve in Human being- A systematic overlook

  1. Nice information essential article thanks

    Posted by Mahesh Jagtap | 06/12/2020, 5:00 PM

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