Clever H
Summer 2015 - Homeopathic Approaches

A word from the editor – Homeopathic approaches

 A word from the editor – Homeopathic approaches




Dear Readers,


Time flies and this is already the 5th issue, and already the 1st anniversary of ‘Clever H. – the Mag!‘.


1Time to say thank you for the likes, the shares, the interaction, comments, e-mails etc.. Thank you for tweeting about the mag, for sharing the articles, and for spreading the word on homeopathy in general!


Most of all, and the greatest thank you, goes out to those that have written the articles published in the Mag; thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences, research, knowledge and wisdom! You are the Mag!


Thank you!!


The Mag!, as of this issue is becoming a bi-monthly online journal, as opposed to just a quarterly in its first year!. The coming issue is therefore the ‘Mid-summer 2015’ issue that will go live on the 1st of August 2015. The focus will be on ‘Gaining Control’. This topic can refer to any health issue that has found its resolution with homeopathic treatment, whether allergies, addictions, depression, fertility… or other. If you feel you want to contribute an article to this issue, please do get in touch!


The then subsequent issue will feature ‘Our ancestral roots’ as leading topic. That issue will then go live 1st of October 2015.


Schüssler Quote

But back to this issue here! ‘Homeopathic approaches‘, this Summer 2015 issue, features insights into homeopathic DNA remedies, a look at spagyric remedies that are closely related to homeopathic remedies, the Bach & Paterson bowel nosodes, the Schüssler tissue salts, both the ‘old’ and the complementary salts, and a look at the development of the Schüssler salts on the brink of the shift in medical paradigm. I hope you enjoy this issue!


Clever H. – the Mag!‘ is designed to be an online journal “by homeopaths, for homeopaths, with the patient in mind!”. If you have any ideas, suggestions or criticism, please do get in touch and help improve the reading experience of the Mag!


Happy Summer!


Best of wishes!




About Uta Mittelstadt

*****Homeopath (BSc & MSc) at 'CareClin' ( Founder & Editor at 'CleverH.-theMag!' ( Advisor at 'Homeopathy World Community (HWC) (*****


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